Toole Talk

Episode #12 - Excuses

Amber Toole and Heather Yonce Season 1 Episode 12

You've heard the old saying...."Excuses are like armpits.  Everyone has them and they all stink."

We also love the Mario Forleo quote, "Excuses are like the roach. motel but for dreams."

And the ever popular Arnold Schwarzenegger, "You can have results or excuses, but not both."

As Fitness Professionals, we have heard every excuse in the book for skipping a workout, from I didn't set my alarm to I have so much to do.

The truth is, if you always put your health on the back burner and take care of everything and everyone over yourself, you are always telling yourself that you and your health don't matter.

We know that consistency is the key to reaching your goals, to making changes and to staying the course.  You have to show up for yourself.  Because in the end, you really are the only one who can do it for you.

Have a little laugh at some of the comical cancellation reasons we've heard.

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